The Mom Moment by Nurtured 9

A glimpse at what we’re gifting Mamas, what’s inspiring us, and more this month!

July 2022

You’re never too old (74) to be a Mother.

I love being a Mother.

From the moment my daughter was born I changed from a carefree, devil may care, hippy dippy girl to an overprotective working Mom. The transition was so easy, even though I knew nothing about babies, and like all first-time Moms was afraid to make mistakes and reluctant to let go of the power of Mommy-ing to Daddy or Grammy (really? The best Mom ever) or …. Because Mother knows best of course! 

So, the years go by and babies grow to terrible twos and kindergartners and independent teens.

Motherhood has not always been easy, there were days that I wished she was still a little girl, easy to guide in the right direction, not my wild child! I’d hide myself in the bathroom to take myself away from the confrontations, had my quiet cry and curse session, and then come out and cook her favorite dinner and chat at the kitchen table.

The road to giving her independence was not easy for me either:

Is it safe to walk home from school on her own and be this latch key kid? 

Is it safe for her to buy her Dunkin Donut without me?

Is it safe to have all the dates with boys I knew were not for her, but I hoped she knew…and the dates with the guys I didn’t know and weren’t good for her and hoped she knew…? As much as the college years were difficult for me because we’d grown so close, we found a way to stay in touch through a book we kept, going back and forth through the years writing down our thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams, one page at a time.

Our lives are still incredibly intertwined. We’re Mom, Daughter, best friends, guidance counselors and baby cuddlers.

It’s a miracle that I can do this mothering all over again as a Grandmom of her 2 beautiful daughters, with more patience than I thought I’d have and more love than I thought it was possible to give.

- Gerdine Joseph, Mama (of Co-Founder Lauryn!) and Grandmother of two


The Mom Moment by Nurtured 9


The Mom Moment by Nurtured 9